SculpSure Body Contouring

Non-Invasive, Targeted Fat Reduction

Redefine Your Body Shape

Amber Health Care for Women is proud to be a pioneer! We were the first medical office in Shasta County to perform SculpSure Body Contouring: the world’s first FDA Approved laser for non-invasive lipolysis (permanent fat destruction). It is clinically proven, state-of-the-art, light based technology. It allows you to selectively get rid of stubborn fat in problem areas such as the tummy, love handles, back and thighs, with a customized treatment plan that is right for you.

How Does it Work?

The 25-minute treatment permanently destroys up to 24% of treated fat cells. It results in noticeable and natural-looking fat reduction. There are no needles, no incisions, no scarring, no anesthesia, no painful suction and no down-time with your SculpSure treatment! You can sculpt the body you want, by targeting your problem areas – without surgery!

Schedule a free consultation to find out if SculpSure is right for you.

Benefits of SculpSure Body Contouring

  • Targets and destroys fat in abdomen, love handles, back, and thighs

  • Fast 25-minute sessions

  • In-office procedure (no surgery!)

  • No down-time

  • No incisions, scarring, or painful suction

  • Treated fat cells are permanently removed and cannot come back

  • Optimal results typically seen in 6 to 12 weeks

  • Works on all skin types


 The Science Behind SculpSure

SculpSure brings the science of laser technology to the art of body contouring. The SculpSure 1060nm targeted wavelength laser energy selectively targets and heats fat cells under the skin without affecting the skin’s surface, by raising the temperature of fat cells, damaging their structural integrity. Over the next three months, the damaged fat cells are processed and eliminated permanently by the body’s lymphatic system, with no damage to surrounding tissue. Results can be seen as quickly as six weeks, with optimal results typically seen at 12 weeks. If you have any questions regarding this procedure, please contact our office to schedule a free consultation today!

Fat Reduction in Redding, CA

Love the Body You Live In

The Best Project You Will Ever Work on is YOU!

Diet. Exercise. SculpSure Laser. The winning combination!

At Amber Health Care for Women we believe in empowering women by educating you about all your treatment choices. At your free consultation, our practitioners will review all your options for fat destruction - laser, freezing, liposuction, chemical injections - and explain why we believe SculpSure is the best choice for so many women!

We strive to provide an everyday-low price.

Only $750 per treatment

Call for more information and to schedule your free consultation!

SculpSure Body Contouring

Embrace & Love Your Body

It’s the Most Amazing Thing You’ll Ever Own!

Many factors can affect how and where we lose fat with diet and exercise. Your genetics are a factor. Is your body naturally an apple or a pear shape? Age is a factor. Your metabolic rate slows down as we age and approach menopause. SculpSure Body Contouring can help you bypass these limiting factors.

Call our office today for more information and to schedule your free consultation to see if SculpSure is right for you.

SculpSure Results in Redding, CA
Body Contouring in Redding, CA
SculpSure in Redding, CA
Body Contouring Procedure in Redding

“As a doctor I encourage my patients to make smart lifestyle choices: to exercise and maintain a healthy weight, eat nutritious foods, and not smoke. As a feminist I believe that women are strong and beautiful, regardless of their size or shape – that our self-image should not be dictated by society’s idealized version of perfection. But as a mother of four turning fifty, I also struggled with stubborn rolls of fat on my love handles and tummy, despite diet and exercise – that I wanted gone. I brought SculpSure into my practice for women like me, who wanted the choice of a safe, fast, and effective process for selective body contouring.”

Dr. Cheryl Serr

SculpSure Body Contouring

Frequently Asked Questions


Is SculpSure right for me?

SculpSure is intended to be a body shaping /contouring procedure. It is perfect for healthy individuals who want to get rid of stubborn areas of fat, fast and effectively. SculpSure works best when combined with a healthy diet and a good exercise program.

SculpSure works best for individuals who are 10-40 lbs overweight, with a BMI (body mass index) of less than 30. It is not intended for individuals who are significantly overweight or have large amounts of loose skin (such as after gastric bypass surgery). If your goal is to lose a great deal of weight, then you should approach that goal first, and save SculpSure for later.

How does SculpSure work?

The SculpSure laser shines through the skin. The 1060nm wavelength laser selectively targets, heats, and destroys fat cells. At the same time, the applicator applies constant cooling that keeps the skin safe and comfortable. Over the next 4-12 weeks, the body naturally breaks apart and eliminates the destroyed fat cells from your body, through your lymphatic system. The results are gradual and natural-appearing, with no damage to the surrounding tissues, skin or nerves.

How long will the results last with SculpSure?

The treated fat cells are permanently destroyed and removed from your body. The fat cells will never grow back. The results are simply amazing! SculpSure has a patient satisfaction rate of over 90%.

How fast will I see results with SculpSure?

Your body starts to eliminate the destroyed fat cells right away. Most people can see visible results within 6 weeks. You will continue to notice improvement as your body continues to rid itself of the destroyed fat cells. Optimal results are seen at 12 weeks.

What is the difference between SculpSure and weight loss?

The number of fat cells in your body typically remains the same during your adult life. When you gain and lose weight these fat cells grow and shrink. Even with diet and exercise, your body may “hold onto” fat in certain areas –  like the love handles, abdomen, and thighs. With SculpSure, you can selectively decide which areas to shrink. With SculpSure, the fat cells are permanently destroyed, and never come back.

How long before I can resume normal activities after my SculpSure treatment?

There is no “recovery period” after a SculpSure treatment. You can resume normal activities immediately. You can leave your appointment and go back to work or to the gym on the same day. Zero Downtime!


What will I feel during my SculpSure treatment?

When the treatment starts you will feel a rapid cooling blast. The cooling will be on the entire treatment, while the laser cycles on and off, every 30 seconds. Each person is different, but at the peak of the cycle you will feel some discomfort. This can include a feeling of warmth, a tingling sensation, pressure, or cramping / pain. The treatment is generally well-tolerated.

What will I feel like after my SculpSure treatment?

You may feel sore (like after an abdominal workout) or tender (like there is an invisible bruise) for a few days. Exercise and drink plenty of water to help speed your fat loss.

How long will my SculpSure treatment take?

Sculpsure takes only 25 minutes.

How many SculpSure treatments will I need?

You may be happy with the results of a single treatment, or you may wish to treat multiple areas. The most dramatic results are seen if you do two treatments to the same area. During your free consultation you can determine the best treatment plan to help you achieve the look you desire!

How is SculpSure different from "freezing treatments"?

Leave the cooling to Mother Nature and let SculpSure keep you warm! There are various different “fat freezing treatments” available. Some are FDA-cleared and some are not. Freezing takes much longer (typically 60 minutes for a single area) and involves painful suction devices.

Can everyone have SculpSure?

Most people are candidates for SculpSure, but it is intended to be used for body contouring, not major weight loss. If someone is significantly overweight, then SculpSure may not be right for them until after they have lost some weight. You can apply SculpSure over skin that is tanned, but not over a sunburn, rash / blisters, or over a fresh tattoo or puckered scar. You cannot treat over a hernia or directly over the belly button. SculpSure should not be used on individuals with a compromised lymphatic or immune system (such as patients with AIDS, cancer, or lupus). SculpSure has not been studied in breastfeeding patients.

SculpSure Body Contouring can help you look your BEST on your special day!

 Contact Us

Our office is open from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Thursday. Let us assist you in your health care journey by scheduling your appointment with us today!